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Mission Statement





It is my passion to bring encouragement and hope to the world while giving them the story of Henry the Tulip Bulb, which is my story. 


Feeling safe and satisfied, but then having his life ripped apart, Henry gets manure stomped on his head, and goes through all the growth stages necessary to becoming whom he was meant to be…a beautiful, red tulip. Along the way, Henry listens to that still, small Voice inside of him and “Develops an Attitude of Gratitude”.


Through the telling of my story, I wish to encourage others to never give up on their dreams, know that there is a plan for good for their lives and to bring passion, joy and thankfulness to their hearts.


While the story of gratitude filters throughout the world, The Henry Project will be produced as a Non-Profit Organization to help the Youth, Seniors and those in Need with a portion of all proceeds to help those with brain injuries, especially. 


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